Our Sunday worship services begin at 10:30am on Sunday mornings with a time of gathering music.
Children are always welcome in worship! We offer an “art table” and story time to engage our youngest worshippers in the worship experience.
If you are interested in joining our choir please contact [email protected]
The choir presents music between September and June in worship and rehearses on Thursday evenings during those same months. We’d love to have you make a joyful noise with us each week!
Worship services also stream on YouTube here
The Christian Year

The Christian Year begins with Advent, a time of getting ready for Christmas. During Advent we light candles to mark the Sundays leading up Christmas to help us get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Lent is the season of preparation for Easter. This 40 day season begins with Ash Wednesday and is a time of repentance, turning our hearts and lives back to God. We mark this season with fasting and ashes and with creativity.

On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and God’s big “No!” to sin and death and “Yes!” to new life and new beginnings. This worship service is the high point of the Christian year (yes, it’s even more important the Christmas)!

Pentecost worship, which takes place 50 days after Easter, is a time of dancing and music when we celebrate the birthday of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit.